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To strive to provide quality and value-added services to the capital market in an efficient, transparent and orderly manner, compatible with international standards and best practices. To provide state-of-the-art technology and automated trading operations, driven by a team of professionals in accordance with good corporate governance. To protect and safeguard the interests of all its stakeholders, i.e. members, listed companies, employees and the investors at large. To reflect the country’s economic health and behavior and play its role for the growth, development and prosperity of Pakistan.


•Information to Customers/public that all payments from the Client(s) to the Broker should be made in the name of Broker (STRONGMAN SECURITIES PVT LTD) through “A/C Payee Only’’ Crossed cheque, bank drafts, pay orders or other banking channels only. • Any Change in Email address, Mobile Number, Office Phone Number, Mailing Address, Registered/ Permanent Addresses or other related information should be intimated immediately to Strongman Securities Pvt Ltd for Updation of Record.

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